Tuesday, November 1, 2022

...For Which I Was Created

I recently participated in a wonderful fundraiser piano concert at my church. As a token of gratitude, my amazing Music Director gave all the participants gifts. Mine was a beautiful silver bracelet inscribed with this message: “Perhaps it was for this moment that you were created.”

The instant I read the message for the first time, it resonated deeply. As a creative soul, I am constantly faced with balancing time spent expressing my creativity with time spent doing more boring things like earning a living, housework, etc. I have always dreamed of returning to making my living as a musician, and reading that bracelet gave me instant new hope that God might be telling me it was time to do just that.

I spent the next few days basking in thoughts of the time I would get to spend learning new music, jamming with other musicians, sharing God’s wonderfulness through music…the scenarios were many and much replayed in my mind. It was thrilling to anticipate what God might do next to move me back toward that life. Was He really going to lead me to take that step?

After a week of happy dreams of feeding my creative soul again full-time, I found myself happily circling a classroom table at church in a line of other people, with a big re-closeable bag in my hand. As I filled the bag with items to be given to homeless folks in our area. I happened to glance down at my wrist and once again saw, “Perhaps this it was for this moment that you were created.”

Suddenly that message took on an entirely different meaning. I found myself totally unable to argue with God that I had, indeed, been created for that moment just as much as He had created me for the blissful, joyous moments I spent playing piano that Sunday just a week before.

Over the weeks that followed, I have re-read that message in a myriad of different moments; some routine, some joyous, some painful. In God’s infinite efficiency, He taught me a critical lesson in just 10 words and some carefully chosen moments in everyday life:

He created me specifically, fearfully, and wonderfully, for
in my life.

Not one moment happens in my life that He does not allow. That moment may not have been His perfect desire for my life, but it is in His perfect will for my life or it would not have happened.

Do I still want to flee the corporate world and re-immerse myself in music with every moment I can find? Yes!

Given a choice would I choose to skip the miserable moments in life? Yes!

But I now appreciate and acknowledge the value of where He has put me in every moment of every day more easily…ALL the moments for which I was created.

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